Wholesale Agreement and Terms of Sale

Your submission of the Wholesale Application indicates that you agree to the terms of the following Wholesale Agreement.


Color wheels are provided at a cost. All discounts are based on regular priced (MRSP) merchandise. The wholesale discount does not apply to any bonuses, limited time promotions or further discounts.


Products or goods purchased from Bombay Hair shall only be sold at the manufacturers suggested retail price (MSRP). In the event the Wholesale Account chooses to place the products or goods for sale at a discount, the Wholesale Account shall provide written notice to Bombay Hair .


Bombay Hair will make available images that you might require for your print and online presence. Should you require any additional images, please contact us. The Wholesale account may use Bombay Hair images including but not limited to, logo(s), media in print or web without alternation for the promotion of products, events or general promotion.


Any Wholesale Account who distributes Bombay Hair goods and products to any entity for re-sale will immediately be removed from the Wholesale Account program and will be subject to termination of this agreement.


Invoices will be paid upon receipt. All orders must be processed through the online system. All wholesalers are able to checkout themselves and do not need draft approval.


All wholesale orders are subject to shipping fees which may alter.


Order errors must be brought to the attention of Bombay Hair within 3 business days of receipt of shipment. We understand clients can be unpredictable, for this we have a 30 day return policy on all hair that is in unused condition for wholesale purchases only. All hair over 30 days will not be eligible for return or exchange. For returns over the 14 day period, you will need to contact the wholesale manager.


The Wholesale Account agrees that Bombay Hair makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the merchantability of Bombay Hair products. The Wholesale Account also agrees that Bombay Hair is not liable for any misuse or misrepresentations of the goods by the Wholesale Account or the final retail purchaser or consumer and indemnifies Bombay Hair for any legal actions that emanate from such actions.

All social media posts of clients or others with hair from Bombay Hair must be tagged as such. No other hair extension sellers are to be tagged. Anyone found in violation of this term will be immediately terminated from the wholesale program.

Either party with 30-day written notice can terminate this wholesale relationship.


Bombay Hair will decide and dictate all marketing initiatives set forth. All events including but not limited to pop up sales, meet and greets and event attendance by any members of the Bombay Hair Team will be authorized by Bombay Hair and will be considered case by case. Bombay Hair or its team is no way subject to mandatory attendance of events held or participated in by the wholesaler. For said events, the wholesaler will give as much notice as possible to insure convenience for both parties.